Something about that title makes me think of ice cream. But, unfortunately girls I am not talking about ice cream… I am talking about our thought life.
Do you ever catch yourself thinking things you know you shouldn’t? This has been one of my BIGGEST weaknesses that the Lord is still doing a work in me.
On one particular day, my thought life seemed to be really out of control when I was going through this experience of not knowing if our anemic baby girl, who is still in my womb, would make it or not.
I had thoughts like…
“What if she doesn’t get better”
“Her heart is having to pump so hard it could give out any moment”
“Statistically speaking, a lot of babies with this condition do not make it”
“This is bad, really bad…”
“This will never get better”
“I don’t know if I can go through this anymore”
“Oh my goodness”
“What if this… What if that”
Whirling… Swirling… Spiraling uncontrolled thoughts. And the hard part… It’s SO easy to get caught up in uncontrolled thoughts.
In this particular instance, I knew I needed help. I pulled out one of my most beloved books called, “The God of All Comfort” By Hannah Whitall Smith and turned to the chapter called “Discouragement”. As I started to read, the writer explained that there were many times in the Bible when people felt hopeless with their situation. One particular story really spoke to me-Moses!
The Lord gave Moses an assignment to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, but Moses, looking at his own weaknesses, was discouraged. That's when discouragement caught his thoughts and heart which caused him to try and excuse himself from what God wanted him to do. Moses had difficulty with his speech. The bible says he was “slow of speech”. Have any of you ever tried getting the attention of a large crowd? People by nature are very hard to gather together. Imagine needing to get the attention of everyone in the school auditorium and lead them to their classes. Imagine doing this with a speech problem. And then, on top of that, imagine leading this huge group across land for miles and miles. I would imagine it would be extremely difficult.
Moses looked at his difficulty and felt hopeless that he would not be able to do what God was asking him!
“I am not eloquent, but I am slow of speech. They will not believe me” Says Moses. It sounds to me like Moses was whirling, swirling, and spiraling in his thoughts…
But God reminded Moses of a very important truth. Who made YOU Moses? Who made your mouth? Do you not realize that I can work through you and give you everything you need to succeed?
It was as if God woke me up and said… Who made YOU Rachael? Who made your womb? Do you not realize I can work through you and give you every bit of healing you need for your baby to succeed?
He created every organ in my body. He created even the ability for me to carry children! He has FULL capability of healing this baby and I am to trust and rest in Him!
Our thoughts can lead us astray so quickly in every area of our life. The spiraling thoughts that take us down only keep taking us down because of their root.
LIES. What we need is God’s truth to bring us back into reality. And God gives us a responsibility in this!
2 Corinthians 10:5 says we are to “Take EVERY thought captive, into the obedience of Christ”. How did I take the thought captive? I ran to the source of truth- God and let Him remind me of what I needed to hear.
Do you ever catch your thoughts whirling, swirling, spiraling, out of control? Run to the One who can pull you out!