
What’s more eerie than it being February, friday the 13th?! Being single and having a dateless Valentine’s Day.

Embracing your season in life is sometimes a lot more harder than it looks, especially when it comes to being single.

Ruth was a great example of someone who was whole-heartedly committed to walking with the Lord and was faithful to embrace the season He had her in. I, on the other hand, have been a great example of someone who wasn’t committed to accepting the place the Lord had me in, which was being single. Unlike my past, Ruth didn’t allow her lack of having a husband paralyze her from doing what the Lord called her to do. Ruth didn’t just accept her place with Naomi, but she embraced her role and exceeded in every way. Too often I had spent more time complaining about what I didn’t have instead of taking advantage of what I did have. AKA discontentment. Which is completely normal and human nature; however, these are the very things the Lord wants us to overcome and guard against.

What spoke volumes to me when I read the story of Ruth was how she kept her focus on Naomi and serving her and her needs. Personally, I feel like I have missed opportunities to see the need in others lives because I was so consumed by the fact that I was single and missing out on something better. I missed the opportunity to be a true friend because I was too busy bathing myself in self-pity and feeling sorry for myself because I was lonely. It wasn’t until I started thinking about other people and began thanking God for everything He had done for me in my life that I was able to experience the true freedom in embracing my season in life, not matter what it is.

Choosing to be thankful changed my heart and helped me accept my lot as a single young lady. When you start serving others and caring for them more than yourself you feel a deep, unexplainable joy and freedom. You are free to embrace the role God has called us all to fulfill, to love and serve one another above ourselves.

 Instead of falling into self-pity this Valentine’s Day I challenge you to focus on what you can do for others. Not only on Valentine’s Day but everyday try to open your eyes and heart to others and how you can serve them in their need.

 "Life doesn't begin when you get married. This is your life! You will never find contentment in living for what you hope tomorrow may hold." -Lydia Brownback

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