
Guest Blogger

This week we had a guest blogger! She is a lovely young lady who is pursuing the Lord and a close friend of ours. She has recently shared her heart with us about something the Lord had opened her eyes to. She realized the powerful truth that our strength comes from the Lord and we cannot become or do anything without God (and the joy and peace that comes from it). She so graciously allowed us the privilege to share her email with you all too! Her email follows below:

So I have been reading this book called Dating with a Pure Passion and it has some great points in it that I would like to share! I found myself reading this one particular part over and over... It's so profound because I had never thought of it like this. It read, ”Jesus does not want to help you be patient, kind, or forgiving. Jesus wants to live His patience, kindness, and forgiveness through you.. “ Now I was like “Whoa!’ I was taken back by this! Then I asked myself, “What does that mean??” I pondered a lot on this... I could not even keep reading. I came to the conclusion that we cannot do anything without God. He does not want to "help" us do things.. He wants to be living inside of us and let Himself flow out of us in everything we do. Now I began asking myself some really thought-provoking, tough questions...Do I hold up the image of a ‘good Christian young lady..?’ or do I really, deeply let God flow out of me? Am I doing things that I know are right because I know they are right? Or am I doing them because I know it's pleasing to God?  I want people to see the goodness and joy that God has given me! I want to become a woman of God that can share and inspire others, especially the younger ones who look up to me.;) As we continue on this journey together, I ask that you please pray for me as I go along and cling to God and His Word! I know it will all be worth it!

What an encouraging email! It is such a beautiful thing to have true friends in the Lord where we can share these things with. We are so thankful our precious friend opened her heart, not only to us, but to all of you as well. It’s often when we find ourselves sharing the hard things like she did, then God will give us the strength and He will shine through us to bring Him glory and honor! We hope that this email will give you encouragement and hope in your relationship with God as it did us!

John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease." 

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