I want to share with you something personal and something God is continuing to dig deeply out of my heart. From a young age, I have been a very needy girl. Growing up, I had many boyfriends. At that time in my life, my parents were divorced and I had very little supervision, if none. I went down the "boy crazy" road and it looked something like this.
Every few months I started a new dating relationship with a boy from school. The relationship started out good, receiving lots of attention from the boy. Then after a month or two, the newness wore off and the boy would start distancing himself from me. In my little tender heart, I yearned for love. I wanted someone to love me forever, and in my heart I always believed the relationship would last.
Another messy break up would happen. I suddenly felt the neediness for another relationship. I am now a grown adult, married, with 2 children. Believe it or not, sometimes that same needy girl comes up in my heart towards my spouse. Let me say that my husband is a very kind, loving, affectionate man. I am honestly so very blessed to have him, and anyone that knows him would tell me I'm crazy for still being "needy" when I have all I "need".
The truth is that being needy is something that is very very deep in our hearts. The needy girl in me will always be there, no matter what I have, until I completely depend on God to meet my every need.
In the story of the woman at the well, this young lady didn't realize she had a need. Here she was going from man to man, trying to find her happiness. When she met Jesus at the well, he asked her "how would you like to have living water? Water that never dries up?" Do you know what her response was? She said she would love to have that kind of water so she wouldn't have to walk back down to the well every time she got thirsty. She missed it in that part of the story. And how many times, and years have I missed seeing that God has been saying to me... "Come to me! I will fulfill your needs! Look to me! Nothing else!"
It can be almost overwhelming to think about the fact that even a 100% perfect life (which is impossible anyways) STILL won't not fulfill us. But it's a wonderful thought to know that Jesus CAN fulfill us. As we make a decision to cling to the Lord with all of our heart, He does an amazing work in us to change our heart. I truly believe as I grow in the Lord that this needy girl in me will become needy in the Lord and never "thirst" again...
"Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13